
Status holders are too afraid to apply ...

As a recruiter of status holders looking for a paid job, my biggest challenge since 2019 has been to restore trust between status holders and their municipalities. Let me tell you this story from the newcomer's perspective.

December 30, 2019, reading time 2 minutes.

Many motivated status holders have succeeded in exchanging their benefits for a paid job, but unfortunately for some this working life lasted only a short time; they were "released" before the end of the contract or were told afterward that their contract was not renewed. In the first case, they immediately fell into a social welfare situation. In the second case, they received three months' support from the UWV and, in the absence of a new job, applied again for social welfare. They sometimes received this only eight weeks later. It did not seem to matter whether they had a family and fixed payment obligations.

With many problems as a result. I find this situation shocking; Due to the slow and complicated municipal social welfare system, some motivated permit holders have no financial security for several months. Because they have lost a country, a home, and their livelihood, a sense of security is a top priority on their list of priorities. By waiting so long for their social welfare, they don't get that feeling.

We can only take into account the fact that many newcomers have escaped the war. This affects their actions and sense of security; let's not judge that too hard. A big buzz in the status holder community is about the following: What if I have a job and I get fired after a few months? What if my contract is not renewed? What will happen to my family? How can I put food on the table for my children? All these questions and concerns about a safe future make motivated and driven newcomers cautious. They are less likely to enter into an employment relationship. This situation is a step backward and does not lead to financial independence. This is slowing down the integration process in our community. Many national conferences on integration and work have been organized in recent months, but this issue has never been raised. This is a real bottleneck for which municipalities throughout the Netherlands must find a solution. Do you agree with that too?

I would like to hear opinions from others in order to resolve this bottleneck. To be continued.

Manar Aburshaid - Advisor / Recruiter: